Levy FAQ

  • 2024 Renewal Levy
  • Where can I find voting information, including timelines, registration information, absentee ballot information, etc.?

    We have assembled key details here. As always, the most current information for Summit County Voters can be found at www.summitcountyboe.com. You can also call 330.643.5200 or stop by the Board of Elections office at 470 Grant St., Akron, OH 44311.

  • Is this a Renewal or New Money Levy?

    The is RENEWAL Levy which was first passed back in 2009 where two renewals were combined into this current one which was then renewed in 2014 and is set to expire at the end of 2024.  This is NOT a new money levy.

  • How Effectively Is the District Managing Taxpayer Dollars?

    The district been able to stretch tax dollars and operate more cost-effectively while being good stewards of public funds. Efforts to achieve this include:

      • By switching health insurance consortiums and networks, coupled with employee concessions, the
        district had been paying less for health benefits for 4 straight years since 2019.
      • The district continues to evaluate and participate in co-op purchasing groups such as the Ohio Schools
        Council, SCS Cooperative Purchasing Program, and the Northeast Ohio Network for Educational Technology.
      • Maintain partnerships with the City of Cuyahoga Falls for playground equipment, extra security, and
        the establishment of Edwards Field.
      • The district continues to receive clean audits and has once again received the Ohio Auditor of State
        Award in 2023 for excellent financial performance and reporting.
  • How much money will a 7.07 mill levy generate for Woodridge Schools?

    The 7.07 mill operating levy would generate an estimated $5,271,000 annually, which represents roughly 17% of the district’s annual budget.

  • What is an Operating Levy?

    An operating levy is a levy for learning. Operating levies provide school districts money to be used for day-to-day expenses such as staff salaries, supplies, utilities, transportation, activities, and programming. These are the funds necessary to run an operate schools.  Our Operating levy will go to cover the cost of Honors and AP Courses, All-Day, Every-Day Kindergarten, Athletics/Activities/Clubs, Transportation, Field Trips, Foreign Languages, etc. .

  • Who Do I Contact With Additional Questions?

    Factual questions about district finances, including the impact of this levy should be directed to the district treasurer, Tom Morehouse, Treasurer at ​​​​​​​330-928-9074 ext 591212 Email.

    Questions related to the levy committee, community involvement, and ways you can help can be addressed to our levy chairperson.

  • What Happens if the Levy Passes?

    If the levy passes, Woodridge will be able to maintain its programming and services provided to students.  If it does not pass, the school district and our community will have some tough decisions to make.

  • Can I get a sign?

    Absolutely, please request one using our yard sign request form.

  • What will the levy cost me?

    It will cost $217 per $100,000 of appraised property value. This is a renewal levy and will not incur new
    tax money from a homeowner. It is a continuation of an existing levy.

  • How would the renewal levy funds be utilized?

    These levy funds would be used to fund the day-to-day operations of the district and would help to maintain and protect the current programming and student opportunities. This would include employees’ salaries and benefits, classroom supplies, textbooks, technology, utilities, insurance, extracurricular and co-curricular activities.

  • What will happen if the levy fails?

    The district must have the dollars to maintain its current level of operations. If it fails, the district will
    face difficult decisions.