Letter: Urges Woodridge Local School District voters to back bond issue

As was published in the Falls News Press, October 11, 2015:

To the editor:

I am writing in support of Woodridge Local School District’s 3.71 mill, 35-year bond issue on the Nov. 3 ballot.

The bond issue would pay for a new primary and intermediate school, a new roof on the middle school and expanded classroom space at the high school.

Over the past several years, the Woodridge Local School District Board of Education has been engaged in comprehensive facilities studies. And, although the district has worked hard to maintain all of its buildings over the years, the studies show that:

• Both the primary and intermediate school buildings are in need of significant repairs, the costs of which would exceed estimates to replace both facilities;

• Woodridge Middle School is nearly 20 years old and the roof needs replaced;

• With growing enrollment, there are not enough classrooms for the number of courses offered each period at the high school;

• Additionally, the gymnasium capacity is far below what is needed for school assemblies, athletic contests and general use.

It is important to note that funding for new school construction is based on a district’s property valuation. Since Woodridge Local’s district valuation is higher than most, state funds will not be able to be used for construction. That’s why the district especially needs your help. The bond issue would cost the owner of a $100,000 home just $11 per month. This is a modest cost for the great benefits this project will yield.

I urge Woodridge Local School District residents to vote “For” the bond issue on Nov. 3.

It is a wise investment in your excellent schools and community.

Rob Delane,

Deputy Executive

Director, Ohio School Boards Association