As was published in Cuyahoga Falls News Press, June 28, 2015:
I am writing in support of the upcoming bond issue for the Woodridge Local Schools.
As the parent of a kindergarten student, I have witnessed this year the talented and caring teaching staff at Woodridge Primary. Though I have no students at any other level, friends with students in each building speak as highly of their students’ teachers. Unfortunately, as I look around the schools, the facilities are in need of a quality overhaul to match the education that is being provided.
While a talented teaching staff and a supportive community are the most important aspects of a child’s education, surrounding that staff with the tools and facilities needed for 21st century education greatly enhances the impact that the staff has on each of our students, and serves as a source of pride for the entire community. Please join me in lending your support to the upcoming bond issue, and to all Woodridge students and community members.
Bryan Seward, Cuyahoga Falls